Tuesday 12 May 2015

April Favourites!!

Hellooooo!! Sorry I haven't really been active at all, but I've not had a very good week. I've let silly things get on top of me, and I haven't really been myself! Hopefully, next week will be a little better, but for now, I thought it would be nice to write about my April favourites, as these are the things that made me happy or made my life a little better last month! (It's a little late, I know, I'm sorry!!!) Please forgive me, as this months favourites post is a little short, since I haven't really had too much money to spare!

Fashion favourites

Black and white midi skirt - I purchased this skirt a while back, towards the end of last year. However, up until last month I didn't really feel comfortable wearing it, and I couldn't really find a good enough excuse to wear it! I love the pleating, as it makes the skirt a little more fun and girly to wear! This item was originally around £40, but I was delighted to find that it had been reduced to only £10 in Miss Selfridge!

Hair and beauty favourites

MUA Lilac Belle matte lipstick - Paired with a glittery eyeliner, this lipstick can create a super girly look, perfect for summery days or parties! I love how long this lipstick lasts, and as it's matte, it can be topped off with a clear lip gloss or lip balm to keep lips moisturied and plumper looking. I've spent months looking for a lilac lipstick which is of a good quality and doesn't break the bank, and I've finally found one!!

Orofluido hair oil - I recieved this hair oil as a gift which came with my Vogue subscription. Although at first, I was hesitant to try this product, I soon came to realise it is a huge help on a Wednesday morning when I am in a rush to catch the train and my hair doesn't want to do anything! I find that a lot of products irritate my scalp, and I get worried to use hair oils and serums, as a lot of them can leave my hair looking too oily. This oil however, prevents any frizz and calms static hair, leaving it looking smooth and healthy! This product also came with a mascara, which gives a natural looking boost to your lashes, and a shampoo.

Real techniques miracle complexion sponge - Okay, so I know I'm very behind on this, but I have recently purchased this sponge and fallen in love with it! I love anything Real Techniques, so I'm not quite sure why I'm so late making this purchase. I think it's because I had so much love for my Elf stippling brush (which is also great!). I find that using this sponge is great for even coverage, and spreads the product out evenly, leaving you with a lovely, natural look. The flat base and pointy tip mean that the product can be used for the smaller areas where concealer is used, as well as all over the face. This can be picked up in stores such as boots and superdrug for a very low price!!

Other favourites

Nathan Sykes - I've been a fan of The Wanted for five years now, and with the lads taking a break a little over a year ago, I've been excited to hear new solo material! Last month, Nathan Sykes (the baby of the band), embarked on his first solo UK tour, and announced that he would be releasing his debut single and album soon! His Newcastle gig gave us all a little sneak peak of what's to come, and his vocals blew me away! Make sure to check out his debut single, Kiss Me Quick!

The Dolls - I'm not really a huge reader, but I recently became a reviewer for Maximum Pop magazine, and I reviewed The Dolls by Kiki Sullivan. If you love anything girly, dark and mysterious with a little bit of romance (Think AHS Coven and Pretty Little Liars), this is the book for you! The plot follows a teen named Eveny and her quest to figure out the secrets and lies behind the town of Carrefour.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed my favourites for last month. Be sure to leave a comment and tell me what you're loving at the moment. I'll be back again this weekend with a new post, so be sure to follow me and keep an eye out for that!!

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