Monday 20 April 2015

17 Going On 7...

Hello again! I hope you're all having a great Monday - sounds crazy, I know!!

Recently, I've been completely obsessed with wearing my hair in bunches and mini double buns, and it's reminded me of my younger days when I was carefree about everything - including my hair! Jump to the embarrassing photo of my cousin and I rocking the bunches as she attempts to strangle me...

We all know that sometimes letting your hair down isn't the best move, especially when your hair looks something like this...

When you're frantically rushing about the house with five minutes to spare before catching the bus, straightening or putting your hair into a braid just isn't a option! I had this exact problem only a couple of weeks ago, meaning I had little choice but to just tie my hair back. Tired of wearing the usual simple ponytail, tied using a scrunchie, I decided to opt for a double version and change it up a lil bit!

It only takes two minutes to section your hair down the middle and down the back of your scalp, before tying both sections up. From here, you can tie them with elastics or scrunchies and add cute accessories from ribbons to flowers. Anything goes! If I have time, I also love to take it one step further and turn the bunches into double buns, using bobby pins (hair grips) and hairspray to secure them into place. I absolutely love the Miley inspired look, and it looks even better  finished with a sprinkle of glitter and some small braids running through them!

Thank you for reading!! Let me know what your favourite go-to hairstyle is, as I would love to have some new styles to try out! Enjoy the rest of your Monday xx

***** Also, one of my favourite people, Tyler Wilson, recently launched his own online clothing store which features his own designs! You should all go check that out, because it's pretty cool and I'm very proud of him! Here is the link to the store and the twitter...
Twitter - iiiTheClothing
You should also check out his band, 'Hollywood Ending', because they're pretty cool too!!

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