Saturday 11 April 2015

Nathan Sykes Tour - Newcastle ♫♪

Hi again!! Most people reading this will probably know me from Twitter. If this is the case, then you will know that for the past five years I have been a fan of The Wanted - as well as a lot of other bands! On Thursday, I went along to Nathan Sykes' first ever solo tour and thought that it would be a good idea to write a blog post about it! If you want to hear a little bit about the show, see a couple of vids and hear some tips about trying to meet him, feel free to read on...

Living in Darlington, my two friends and I thought it would be a good idea to catch an early train to Newcastle, which got us there for 10am with the hope of finally meeting Nathan. When we first arrived, there weren't too many people waiting and everybody was stood in their own little groups. However, by lunchtime, this had all changed and when the word spread about Nathan being in his hotel (which was just opposite the academy), the majority of fans stood at the back of the academy to try and meet him.

After waiting at the back of the academy for a few hours, we decided to move to the front to check the length of the queue. This is when we saw a huuuuge group of fans surrounding Nathan further down the street. Even though he was being pushed and screamed at, he still took time to take photos with as many people as he could before going back into the venue. Because we were towards the back of the group, we didn't get to speak to Nathan, so we decided to try again...

The next time, Nathan came out of the back venue doors, and it soon became chaos! Nathan was surrounded by people and everybody was pushing and shoving. I was so close to properly meeting Nathan here, but people who already had photos went back for more (in my opinion that is pretty selfish, but congrats on meeting him). After speaking to his mum on the phone, he was then being waved at by a naked old man in a hotel window, and his reaction was hilarious! He kept covering his mouth with his hands and asking if he could get arrested for it, which had us all laughing.

After soundcheck, Nathan then came out of the front doors again and took photos with so many people! Although I didn't get a photo, I was part of a video message which we all did, which is supposed to be on his tour diary, so watch out for that!!

By the end of the afternoon, there was only around 20 of us waiting for Nathan around the back of the venue, as everybody else was watching the support act inside. This was when Nathan decided to wave at us and bang on his window to get our attention. Although we were originally told Nathan was going to come out and see us, we were later told that he had to go straight on stage. As he walked past us, he said a quick hello and I tried to give him a card which I had put together, along with some other people on Twitter. He looked at me and said sorry before walking away, telling us that he would be out after the show, although that didn't happen, as he was mobbed and had to be taken away straight away!

Soon after we got inside of the venue, Nathan came on stage and sang through his set, along with his band. The whole set was amazing and the songs really showed off Nathan's voice! The set was only around 40 minutes long and there were only a few songs we knew, but Nathan managed to keep the crowd going and the whole night was amazing!

Here is the setlist...

  • Twist
  • Freedom
  • Rolling In The Deep (Adele cover)
  • Over & Over again
  • Famous
  • More Than You'll Ever Know
  • Money Kiss Me Quick
Here are some videos I recorded! Sorry about the low quality...

Over & Over Again

After waiting all day, I would say that the best way to meet Nathan is to not push, form queues and give him space! It will work out better for you and Nathan and is so much safer and fairer! Good luck to anybody trying to meet him, and I hope you all enjoy the rest of his tour! Thank you for reading! Leave a comment if you're going or you've been!

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